
When it comes to small business ownership, retirement planning often takes a backseat to the daily grind of running the business. Between managing employees, overseeing operations, and focusing on growth, thinking about retirement might not seem urgent.

Posted February 2, 2025

Before you start lamenting your empty wallet, take a moment to consider this: you might be sitting on hidden cash without even realizing it. That’s right—your household or business could be a treasure trove of untapped resources just waiting to be discovered.

Posted December 17, 2024

Have you ever gone to the store for a carton of milk and come home with a new air fryer, a potted plant, and a throw pillow you didn’t even need? If so, welcome to the club! Impulsive spending has an uncanny way of sneaking into our lives, charming us with shiny objects and limited-time sales.

Posted December 10, 2024

If you’re like many people, your parents probably taught you that debt is a good thing. Responsibly handling debt makes you a good credit risk, and a lender would be eager to loan to you. However, without judicious use of debt, it can quickly spiral into something much more sinister.

Posted February 20, 2024

The financial side of an upcoming marriage isn’t romantic or swoon-worthy. But it’s something that must be considered and discussed in order to help ensure a smooth union for years to come.

Posted January 2, 2024

Relocating can be an exciting adventure, filled with the anticipation of new experiences and better opportunities. But proper financial planning ahead of time is crucial to ensure that  your move goes as smoothly and stress-free as possible.

Posted July 19, 2023

Embarking on the journey to financial success can be overwhelming, particularly when faced with multiple goals and competing priorities. But taking the time to prioritize financial goals and then following through with them can reap tremendous and long-lasting benefits.

Posted April 28, 2023

The first step in budgeting for the perfect vacation is to be realistic about yourself, your finances and the experience you’re about to have. The budget should be based on your financial resources and your savings goals. But it also needs to take into account that life is for living. Let’s face it. Economizing at home is one thing.

Posted March 5, 2023

If you’ve ever wondered why they don’t teach teens about money in school, you’re not alone. Chances are, either you or your friends have asked this same question. Until the school curriculum changes, teaching teens about money in the real world remains in the domain of parenting.

Posted November 23, 2022

As an employee who has been loyal to your company, shows up on time day after day, and puts your heart and soul into your job, you know when the time has come to ask for a much-deserved raise in pay.

Posted November 3, 2022